by Deborah Knox on January 2, 2012

HI – I always love this time of year. It’s the BIG transition from one year, set of goals, vision, etc, to another. 2011 – 2012.  So many gifts from 2011 and the growing work on bullying in the workplace keeps pulling at me and creating opportunities to coach and present on this important topic. I’m ending the year with this blog on bullying – maybe you’ll know someone who will benefit from this information – I hope so. Please share it. … And I’d like to ask you to sign up in order to receive my notices on a regular basis (as regular as I can be 1 – 3 times a month!

What Can you Do If  You’ve been Bullied?

Individuals need to become familiar with the behaviors and begin to document those incidents when they occur.  Include the date, time, place, person involved and names of witnesses and some direct quotes of what was said to you.  Other tips for practicing self care include:

  • Avoid self blame – bullying is about the target, not you
  • Gather  a support system around you
  • Talk to someone in the workplace who can help with personal issues
  • Use your EAP to help maintain your self-esteem.
  • Seek medical help for psychological and physical distress.

And remember, maybe a career transition is in the works for you in 2012 if you feel definitely deserve the best working environment, colleagues and challenges to match your unique style and characteristics.


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