by Deborah Knox on December 30, 2016



THE NEW YEAR offers new beginnings and hope for our future.  More than ever before we are called to put our highest self into service. I’m happy to be offering new groups and new services to help people on their journey to conscious aging, loving and living well.  There are some on-line classes and a retreat at Ferry Beach Conference Center in Maine, August, 2017 if you’re out of the Tucson area.  Here’s the link to my events page to find the right next step to assist you in that journey.  https://www.lifeworktransitions.com/events/  And read on if you’re interested in learning about my past year and my new POSSLQ.!!! I’m pleased to share it with you.


I wish all a year filled with JOY, LOVE and SPIRIT!!


Change, transition, chaos and searching marked 2016 for me. And I now discover that the numbers 2 0 1 6 add up to 9 which is the year of completion in numerology. I feel as if I’ve shed a lifetime of worries and angst, even as the growing, learning and loving continue moving into this year of new beginnings, a year 1. I enjoy looking back and asking myself the following question:  What did I overcome this year in furthering my lifework?  I’ll keep my story brief because I can always fill in the details later. But for now, my writing assignment is to share the big picture of this past year, so we can all get on to the future.
My story – and I find it helpful to think of it as just that… the story I am telling myself and you in these final moments of 2016 is as follows:
It was a year of realizing and acting on the financial burden that had been created over the past few years. Like so many other people, the rug was pulled out from underneath me by the financial disaster of 2007, (from which many of us never recovered.) The decision to finally sell my condo, after hosting several successful Air BNB guests, occurred with the realization I just was never going to generate enough income at this stage of the game. But I also learned I liked having other people’s energy in the house and being able to tune in especially when it was someone I truly enjoyed like Beth, who came for a month to write her dissertation and succeeded at doing it.
But alas, it seemed the timing of the universe was not aligned with my wishes, needs and desires. It took over six months to sell and there were very few offers along the way. It felt as if nothing was happening, that I felt needed to happen. Until… (song “along came Sharon…”) and my life was turned around. One of many options I had considered was the role of “companion” to someone with physical disabilities, but I didn’t know what that really looked like. After living alone most of my life, the idea of living with an other, suddenly had some appeal. Serendipity, magic and timing finally aligned and the next step was made obvious. Within weeks I had sold my condo, eliminated my financial debt and met my POSSSLQ (Person of Similar Sensibilities Sharing Living Quarters) Within months we worked out the details of creating a joint living arrangement. I’ll be talking about POSSSLQ more this year, as we think it is just one of many great options for living and aging well. I’d been saying for some time… I can’t do this alone anymore.


Welcome – Sharon Kha, former tv reporter, communications specialist, and current rapper about Parkinson’s Disease was looking for a live in companion to share her lovely home and prepare an evening meal. Aside from the somewhat daunting thought of cooking every night I knew this was the opportunity for me. It’s so much more than a living arrangement – it’s friendship, companionship, shared interest in writing and aging well. She joined my writing group and we’re working on a piece promoting the benefits of being a POSSSLQ and the challenges and rewards that come with it in creating an intimate and caring space.
My financial woes are gone. My creative energy has been released once again. I love what I am doing to help others explore their spiritual journeys in Crafting Your Spiritual Autobiography writing groups. Ive always thought of myself as being on the “cutting edge” –  I became a career counselor before there was a field by that name. And now, creating alternative living arrangements seems as important to me as finding the work you love.
It’s been four months and I feel as if that’s almost enough time to be launched into the new lifestyle of sharing a home, new friendship and a more expanded sense of loving and being than I imagined possible.
This is a fragile world we live in and in this New Year of number 1, we more than ever need to create safe and loving spaces for ourselves and others to ride this currently daunting roller coaster of change. Aging well in a fragile world is just one of many possibilities made real for me in 2016. May this be a year of New Beginnings and finding your place in the sun.
love, light and happiness.

Individual coaching for making the most of your Career transitions, mid-life transitions and end-of-life transitions is available with me. If you’d like to find out how I work please call me 520 780 3834  or send me an email dlkcoach@gmail.com  Convenient mid-town location or on phone and SKYPE You can sign up for my groups via email. Thank you!!!


And my writing groups are available online http://storycircle@storycircle.org and in Tucson. I’ll be leading a retreat with my buddy Gail McMeekin in August at the Ferry Beach of the coast of Maine in August. http://www.ferrybeach.org/light-up-your-souls-path.html  Hope to see you there.

I’ve missed hearing from some of you and hope you are all doing well.



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