by Deborah Knox on January 17, 2012

Is this the year you will break through and discover or create the life work that you love?  And if not now, when?  What would it really take for you to take yourself seriously? What would it feel like to really be making a difference in something you feel passionate about? And what would your life be like if your career and vocation were fulfilling AND sustainable?  These are the questions you may begin with when you first start pushing out your boundaries.

If a new you is to appear this year, you might want to define where you are you in your transition process. Are you just beginning to feel dissatisfaction, or do you know in your heart that it’s time to move forward? There are emotions attached to the stages of a transition and you can tell if you are feeling energized and ready to move forward, or if you are still grieving over the last job or experience that initiated this current transition.

Timing is everything. By learning where you are in terms of your emotional readiness, you will be able to decide if this is the year that you will discover a new you. If you decide you’re ready to take on the joy of discovering your true life work.

I invite you to join in the conversation, and if you haven’t already, please sign up to receive my blogs which will provide you with the necessary action steps and insight to motivate yourself.  You do deserve more!

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